

September 8, 2010 Phil

saw a red robin and i shoulda took a picture. I wished i had my camera. I don’t think a man can do any harm to himself if he keeps his eye on nature. it is the ultimate rebellion in modern america, a land which denies the nature around them at all times. it has all been said before. i’m in the mood to say it again. the only thing different is my voice, i’ve never been seen before. i’ll never be heard of again. all kidding and bragging aside, this is the truth. maybe we all have points of reference to ground us. it seems like the more obvious those points of reference are, the more people understand them and relate to them in a person. are they the most original? by definition, they are the least. originality hides it’s reference points well. or has so many that they blend seemlessly. originality becomes understood when those references have gelled inside a pure soul. once that happens, hey robin, you appear. amongst the beautiful common brown and grey feathers, on their same search of worm and warmth, you stand. you seem proud. but the red robin senses little of it. it is not pride that pulls your wings. it is simply your nature realized.